When it comes to recreational activities, you’ll probably agree we’ve got it pretty sweet here in Wyoming. There’s our incredible Aquatics Center, a Rec Center boasting all manner of fitness activities and equipment, outdoor facilities all over town, and a schedule of programs that should keep anyone busy for an entire year. Unless you’re age 55 or older…in which case you have access to double the amount of fun stuff!

The City of Wyoming and Springfield Township have a reciprocal agreement that allows senior residents to join programs in either community. That means that in addition to everything the Recreation Department has to offer, Wyoming residents age 55 or over can join the Springfield Township Senior Center, located at 9150 Winton Road, at the residential rate of $20 per year, and participate in any of the programs offered there.

Are you a card player? Springfield offers Bridge, Poker, Canasta, and Euchre. Are you handy or creative? There’s a daily woodshop and weekly woodcarving, stained glass, and art classes.
How about the monthly book club or movie nights for your entertainment? That’s not even to mention the fitness programs like chair yoga or volleyball, the golf league, the Red Hat Ladies Society, or the travel opportunities. While some of the activities carry a small additional charge, many are included in the cost of membership.

The reciprocal program has been in place since 2015.
City Manager Lynn Tetley says, “Wyoming and Springfield Township have a great working relationship and combining our services to provide a benefit to both communities is a natural fit.”
You can find the complete list of activities and learn about becoming a member on the Springfield Township website at http://www.springfieldtwp.org/210/Senior-Services, or contact the Senior Center directly at 513-522-1154.