Registration is now open for the Wyoming Seadragons, the swim team based at the Wyoming Recreation and Aquatic Center, and swimmers of all ages and abilities can sign up.

For many years, the Seadragons swim team has helped new swimmers learn the fundamentals of stroke technique, building confidence in their swim skills and introducing them to competition. Also, Seadragons team members meet new people in the community and make new friends.

The Seadragons swim team is open to all youth. More experienced swimmers compete by age group. The team also offers the Junior Seadragon program, which bridges swim lessons and swim team for our newer swimmers.

We’d love to welcome new swimmers to the Seadragons! For more information, visit

If you’re looking to reup your membership to the Wyoming Recreation and Aquatic Center, now is the time. Lock in your membership rates by the end of April.