Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Time was, you had to buy a newspaper or listen for the town crier to hear about important events or announcements in your city.

Fortunately, the City of Wyoming makes it easy to keep up with news, city business, programs, and more. Simply visit https://wyomingohio.gov/subscriptions/ to sign up for the city’s email newsletters. You’ll be asked for your email address and a password; then you can select which newsletters you would like to receive. That includes updates on breaking news and alerts; city news and events; community and business events; employment opportunities; Environmental Stewardship and Urban Forestry reports; Friends Over 50; and recreation programs and events.

“We have information ranging from road construction updates to meeting agendas to special events,” says City Manager Lynn Tetley.

“Recreation generally goes out on Mondays, Friends Over 50 goes out every Wednesday, Community & Business Events goes every Thursday, and City News & Information goes every Friday. Everything else is as needed,” says Debby Martin, the city’s Executive Assistant for Customer Service. She notes that residents are also welcome to submit items for the newsletter by emailing her at customerservice@wyomingohio.gov.

“For businesses and/or community groups that want to advertise something in the Thursday Community & Business Events edition, all submissions are due to me by 8:00 a.m. on Thursday mornings.”